Resultados: 4

Femoral fracture in the elderly: dependence on nursing care

Introduction: Due to the aging of the population, nursing processes have been adapted to these patients, who require a high level of care and guidance. Objective: Analyzing the degree of dependence on nursing care by elderly patients (65 years or older) with femur fractures. Materials and Methods: retros...

O Protocolo de Manchester como ferramenta de melhora dos serviços de emergência

Objetivo: Descrever os benefícios do uso do Protocolo de Manchester em serviços hospitalares de emergência percebidos pelos enfermeiros classificadores. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo-exploratório de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com enfermeiros da unidade de emergência de...

Content validation of nursing outcomes in relation to family caregivers: content validation by Brazilian and Colombian experts

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: this study's aim was to estimate the content validity of nursing outcomes in relation to family caregivers. Method: eleven Brazilian and Colombian experts participated in the study. None of the 61 indicators of the four nursing outcomes were considered irrelevant; 42 (68.9%) were co...

Validation of indicators of the nursing outcomes classification for hospitalized adults at risk of infection

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (2), 2014
This study aimed to validate the indicators of the Nursing Outcomes proposed by the Nursing Outcomes Classification for the diagnosis Risk of Infection. Content validation was performed according to 12 nurse experts from the clinical, surgical and intensive care units of a university hospital. The analys...